Domain sucher
Dieses Programm durchsucht den rdf-Dump des DMOZ
nach Domains einer bestimmten Endung. Aber vorsicht, es
handelt sich um 500 MB an domains und es können je nach Domain-Typ
Hundertausende Domains gefunden werden. Empfehlung: nur via
Kommandozeile Starten!
Script: |
/* ------------ CONFIGURATION --------------*/
// Domain extension to search for.
// Finds domains like
$conf_domain = "de";
// File the results are written to
// (needs to be writable)
$conf_fname = "domains.txt";
// DMOZ Rdf File
// Location from where to retrieve the dump.
// (There are also mirrors)
$conf_rdf = "";
/* --------------PROGRAM CODE---------------*/
// Let the script run as long as needed
// Attention: Safe-Mode needs to be disabled
// Wget needs to be installed in order to work
$fp = popen("wget --progress=0 -O - $conf_rdf | gunzip","r");
$fres = fopen($conf_fname,"w");
$regex1 = '="http://([^"/:]+)';
$regex2 = '.+.(.+.'.$conf_domain.')$';
while (!feof($fp))
$buffer = fgets($fp);
if (eregi($regex1,$buffer,$match1))
if (eregi($regex2,$match1[1],$match2))
// success!
$domain = $match2[1];
fwrite($fres, $domain."n");