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VirtueMart offers a lot of Features, some of the standard Features are listed here. Please note that you can extend the Functionality of Joomla! and VirtueMart using Plugins, Components, Templates and Modules to make them do what you need!
General Features
capable of using Secure Sockets Layer (https) Encryption (128-bit)
flexible Tax Models
Model 1: ShipTo Address-based Tax Calculation
Model 2: Store Address-based Tax Calculation
Model 3: EU Mode (Store Owner based Tax Calculation when Customer comes from an EU Country)
Shoppers can manage their User Accounts (registration required)
Shipping Address Management (Customers can enter their own Shipping Addresses)
Order History: Shopper can view all their previous Orders (and Order Details)
Order Confirmation Mail (customizable!) is sent to Shopper and Store Owner
Multiple Currencies (you can allow Customers to change the Currency and buy using an alternative Currency)
Multiple Languages (using the Joomla! Component Joom!Fish or Nooku).
Product Catalog Features
Powerful Web-Administration Interface (Javascript-powered)
Manages an unlimited Number of Products and Categories
Can be used as a Shop or just as an Online-Catalog (you can even turn off Price Display)
quick Search for Products, Categories and Manufacturers; filter by features or discounted Products
Product Ratings & Testimonials (moderated or auto-published)
feature specific Products by setting them "on special"
Product Availability: show how fast a Customer can expect delivery
Handles downloadable Products (virtual Goods)
"Product is back in Stock"-Notification for subscribed Customers
Administration Features
multiple Images and Files (like Spec Sheets and Flyers) per Product
Product Attributes (like Size or Color) can be added to Product
Product Types for Classification (like "Car", "Motorbike" or "Music Album")
Shopper Groups for Customers (allows different Price Levels and Payment Options),
multiple Prices per Product (Quantity-based and/or Shopper Group-based Prices)
flexible Price Display (number & currency formatting; including or excluding tax)
On-the-Fly Price Conversion between different Currencies using Live Rates from the ECB or other banks
Shop Statistics / Control Panel with a Summary of new Customers, new Orders....
Stock Level Control for Products and Item
Order Management with Order History, Customer Notification and Order Edit Functionality
basic Reporting Feature: sold Items, monthly/yearly Revenue
Order Status Management
manage different Currencies, Countries & States
Payment Modules
capable of live Credit Card Processing
pre-defined Payment Gateways like authorize.net®, PayPal, 2Checkout, eWay, Worldpay, PayMate and NoChex
extend your Shop with other Payment Modules using the Payment Module API!
Shipping Modules
flexible Shipping Carriers and Rates Configuration
Live-Shipping Rates using Shipping Modules (e.g. InterShipper, UPS, USPS, FedEx or Canada Post; Modules can use the Shipping Rate API).
extend your Shop with other Shipping Modules using the Shipping Module API!
Sicherheit :
Wir haben den Download VirtueMart in Version 2.0.10 gründlich mit Antivirenprogrammen überprüft. Dieser Download ist virenfrei und kann ohne bedenken von jedem Benutzer verwendet werden.
Information :
Sollte der Download VirtueMart eine .rar, .zip oder .iso Datei sein, eignet sich das Programm 7-Zip um diese zu entpacken.
: Der Download ID: 2983
auf Dreamcodes,
sowie der Download von Dateien auf den Internetseiten
fremder Anbieter erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Dreamcodes
übernimmt keine Gewährleistung oder Haftung für etwaige Schäden, die durch die Installation oder Nutzung von Software aus dem Download Bereich
erfolgen könnten. Die Nutzer verzichten auf jedwede Ansprüche gegen Dreamcodes, die sich aus diesem Vorgang ergeben können. Mit dem Herunterladen der Software erkennen die Nutzer diese Nutzungsbedingungen an. Alle evtl. aufgeführten Marken gehören ihren jeweiligen Inhabern und unterliegen den jeweiligen Bestimmungen.
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