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SARDU create one multiboot support CD, DVD or a USB device (USB stick/pendrive and all removable are supported) for free *.
The disk or USB device may include comprehensive collections of "antivirus rescue cd", collections of utilities, popular distributions of Linux Live, the best known Windows PE , recovery disks and Install of Windows XP , Windows Vista and Windows Seven .
The only thing to do is download the ISOs with the integrated downloader and press the button for create the support with multi boot.
SARDU is best solution to combine all of your bootable ISOs and turn them into a single ISO or USB with a simple boot menu. You can either burn this ISO to a single CD or DVD, or you can get to create for a bootable USB or other removable drive. Basically, this aims to eliminate the need to carry around heaps of different bootable CDs.
SARDU can be used to Install Windows XP from a USB Flash Drive. Might be useful for example if you wish to Install Windows XP, Vista or Windows Seven on a Netbook or Laptop that has no CD or DVD Drive.
SARDU is one Windows based Multiboot Creator that merge and turn all those bootable CDs into one multiboot disc or USB.
Sicherheit :
Wir haben den Download Sardu in Version gründlich mit Antivirenprogrammen überprüft. Dieser Download ist virenfrei und kann ohne bedenken von jedem Benutzer verwendet werden.
Information :
Sollte der Download Sardu eine .rar, .zip oder .iso Datei sein, eignet sich das Programm 7-Zip um diese zu entpacken.
: Der Download ID: 2812
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