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Downloads Hosting Panel

Name : Hosting Panel
Sprache : Deutsch und Englisch
Anforderungen: Windows 64 Bit (7, 10, 11) oder Linux 64 Bit
Datenbank ID : 2129
Version : 1.1.6 (Update melden)
Größe : ca. 319 Kb
Downloadzahl : 154 mal
Autor : Keine Angabe
Verfügbar ab : registrierter Benutzer
Beschreibung :

This is a community product that allows webmasters to provide individual websites for their users in a secure, administered environment. It allows you to automatically accept user signups or approve each user from admin area.

* Mulitlingual system (new languages can be added).
* Template based (user panel and sign up form templates supported).
* Unlimited Domain Names.
* Admin approve/deny accounts or accept automatically sign up.
* Account name block (such as or wildcard ebay.*).
* Block sign up by country provenience.
* Block multi sign up (allow only one account per person On/Off).
* e-mail, IP address banning.
* Dynamic Ads on User Sites(3 categories are available by default).
* Many Types of Ads are possible for each category (Banner, PopUp, DHTML layer, HTML, header, footer).
* Full Google AdSense support.
* Forced ads into all website files including html, htm, php.
* 4 Hosting plans: plan 0 is for free hosting, plan 1,2,3 for paid hosting.
* File types - define what file types a user is allowed to upload for free hosting plan.
* Maximum Upload File Size restrictions for free hosting plan.
* Maximum Upload Image File Size restrictions for free hosting plan.
* Set Disk Space Quota Limit for each hosting plan.
* Set Traffic Limit for each hosting plan.
* Offer MySQL database, username and password for each user and MySQL management via phpMyAdmin.
* Set prices monthly, quarterly, yearly for each paid hosting plan.
* 2 payment methods for upgrade to paid hosting plan: and
* Auto advise of expire accounts: Auto sends 3 advising emails to accounts that will expire within a given number of days.
* Auto email users that have used up over x% of their monthly traffic limit.
* Auto delete of expired accounts: Automatically delete accounts expired after a specified number of days.
* Auto suspend accounts that exceeded its maximum traffic limit for current month.
* Auto suspend accounts that exceeded its maximum daily traffic limit.
* Preventing hot linking of images.
* Filter for content, check for bad words in html, php, sql, txt, js, css ... files using uploadscript feature from PureFTPD
* Maximum pending registration life time.

User Sign up:

* Required fields.
* Image validation.
* Email confirmation.
* Email confirmation.
* User can specify his domain name ( or use subdomain (

Account Manager:

* Session and cookie Based Login System.
* Disk Space/Traffic Usage bar and stats.
* View/Change Account Details.
* File Manager with upload, new file, new directory, delete, rename, chmod, plain edit, WYSIWYG editor.
* MySQL DataBase Manager, create/delete database and username.
* Full phpMyAdmin support.
* Install/Uninstall phpbb2 forum or wordpress blog from one click.
* Upgrade option using PayPal and/or
* Delete account.
* Password find via secret question and answer.

Admin Control Panel:

* Written in 100% Perl.
* Total disk space used/available.
* Total accounts.
* Accounts awaiting approval (mass approve or deny, edit and approve).
* Powerful account search.
* Powerful user date-range search.
* List all accounts.
* Inactive accounts (never modified sites) older than 5,10..days.
* Expiring accounts (good for trial accounts to convert to paid ones).
* View account, list of files, directories, used disk space, traffic usage.
* Modify/Delete/Suspend account.
* Create/Delete MySQL DataBase and UserName.
* Limit Daily/Monthly Traffic Usage for each account.
* Mass delete expired/inactive/selected accounts.
* Send email to all/subscribed/expired/inactive accounts.
* Change admin information.

Sicherheit :

Wir haben den Download Hosting Panel in Version 1.1.6 gründlich mit Antivirenprogrammen überprüft. Dieser Download ist virenfrei und kann ohne bedenken von jedem Benutzer verwendet werden.

Information :

Sollte der Download Hosting Panel eine .rar, .zip oder .iso Datei sein, eignet sich das Programm 7-Zip um diese zu entpacken.

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